Shotgun Use on the Range
Shotgun use is restricted to Pit 1c in the northwest corner of the range. There have been repeated violations of this policy in the past few months, along with willful destruction of club property with shotguns. It is not appropriate or approved to use shotguns to blast apart wooden target backers or support posts. It is not appropriate to leave trash, including spent shotgun cases, in the shooting area. Shotgun use in the pits as part of an organized and scheduled match is permitted.
Replacement of backer boards and support posts is an expected cost to the club and part of the annual budget. Our range membership fees are far lower than all other clubs in the surrounding area. Continued misbehavior by a few individuals will result in higher range membership fees for all.
Please review the Club calendar before heading to the range. The disciplines hold regularly scheduled matches and practice sessions that reserve the pit or common firing line where you may plan on shooting. The calendar indicates start and end time for these scheduled sessions. As always, if you are interested in learning about a discipline, please contact the discipline director using the contact information on the club website, or come join us.