Several issues have come up over the last two months that are causing concern for the Board:
1. The new pistol pits north of pits 1 through 1C are NOT to be used. We will inform the membership when the new pits are complete and open for use. Do not drive down just to look. Even though it has not rained for two weeks the entire area is slimy slick. You may also interfere with our contractor while he is working. I doubt your pickup will survive a collision with an 80,000lb loader if he doesn’t see you. When the soil is stable enough we will be adding recycled asphalt to the new road and pit areas. The contractor will be using a belly dump semi to spread the asphalt, and will be travelling at 10 to 15 mph. Again, please stay clear of the area.
2. The club has a policy of NO full automatic fire on the range. This includes fully automatic firearms, rapid reset triggers, and bump stocks.
3. When you complete a shooting session remove your targets from the backer boards and deposit them in the provided trash cans or in the dumpsters. Each shooting hut and the common firing line has brooms and dustpans to sweep up and dispose of casings.
4. Pit 1C is the designated shotgun pit. Do not use other areas of the range when firing bird shot. The common firing line and pit 12 may be used for firing slugs or buckshot – with caution – when firing at targets placed on the backer boards. Never fire at any target on the pit floor. Again, pickup and dispose of all fired shotgun shell casings.
As noted above, areas of the range that are not covered with gravel or ground asphalt become very slick as soon as the frost is gone. Please avoid getting stuck or leaving ruts in areas without improvement.
IDPA State Match
NR&GC will host the IDPA State Match in September. In order to set up all the stages for this large match Pits 1, 1A, 1B, 1C and 2 through 9 are reserved from September 11-14, with stage tear down being completed by mid-day on September 15.
Please always remember to check the club’s calendar before heading to the range to ensure your preferred shooting area does not have a previously scheduled match.
DO NOT “donate” any used tires to the range. A few tires are used by the shooting disciplines as props. We do not need or want any more.